
Saturday, 9 May 2015



So, again we came to the Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih for the second time to continue with our Jalinan Masyarakat programmer.

Unlike the previous week, we only had 15 kids to join our activities since the schedule clashed with other programme conducted by the FSS (Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial) students. 

We started the day with group presentations by the kids on 'wedding cakes'. They were assigned to invent a wedding cake that resembles the things they like and what the clients (two of the facilitators) want. They did very well and get very creative with the invention of the cake. Some of them even corporate physics where the cake is elevated!

Next, we proceed with Tae Kwan Do conducted by Yow Yong. This week is even better because the were wearing sports attire just like what we expected the last week. (because the were wearing jubah during tae kwan do last week. it was our fault though for not informing them earlier).

After lunch, we had our Origami session! Each of us (the facilitators) have to teach them different kind of shape and I thought them how to make flowers! They enjoyed the slot and got even excited to finish each shape (of the origami) on time. 

I enjoyed the day because they were so co-operative and (finally) the had fun during each activity.


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